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Bharat's carbon dioxide peaking year will be 2030.

Created by Raahul_Kumar on 2015-10-03; known on 2025-12-31

  • Raahul_Kumar estimated 95% on 2015-10-03
  • Raahul_Kumar said “It should be obvious 5 years beforehand how many coal plants will still be operational in 2030.175 Gw renewables +63 Gw of nuclear means the grid will be at least 50% zero carbon.on 2015-10-03
  • JoshuaZ said “Shouldn’t the known on date be well after 2030, not well before?on 2015-10-03
  • Raahul_Kumar said “Coal plants have to be constructed 5 years in advance. It will be obvious in 2025 how many coal plants are in the pipeline.on 2015-10-04
  • JoshuaZ said “Coal is not the only thing which produces CO2. I strongly suggest making the due date well after 2030, say 2035. on 2015-10-04
  • Josh Holland estimated 10% on 2015-10-05
  • Raahul_Kumar said “Coal is the dominant source. Other sources are too small to be worth measuring.on 2015-10-06
  • JoshuaZ said “That’s a reason to pay a lot of attention to coal but it is hardly so dominant as to be what would completely control peaking. See page 83 of on 2015-10-06
  • Raahul_Kumar said “IEA data for 2012 shows that coal combustion globally is responsible for 43% of CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion,.on 2015-10-07
  • Raahul_Kumar said “Pg 36 2015-10-07
  • JoshuaZ said “Which supports what I am saying, dominant is not at all the same thing as being too small to be worth measuring, especially if one is trying to pinpoint the exact year of peaking. Fluctutations in other sources can easily alter this. on 2015-10-11
  • JoshuaZ said “The known by date should be 2033 at the earliest. on 2015-10-11
  • Raahul_Kumar said “The Indian Government is likely to overachieve its 2030 climate intensity target without having to implement any new policies, the Climate Action Tracker said today. 2015-10-12
  • JoshuaZ said “That’s a reason to increase confidence in the prediction, that’s still not a reason to keep the deadline early. on 2015-10-12
  • Raahul_Kumar said “Carbon emission intensity cut by 12% in 5 years means the 2020 target will be easily met, which makes the 2030 target even easier.on 2016-01-23
  • Osuniev estimated 4% and said “Seems really unlikely that it is 2030 rather than 2029 or 2031…on 2016-11-21