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Elizabeth Warren will not be the veep choice for the 2016 Clinton campaign

Created by two2thehead on 2016-06-17; known on 2016-07-29; judged right by two2thehead on 2016-07-23.

  • two2thehead estimated 90% on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead said “I’m assuming that what Obama did when he was the nomination in 2008 would hold. Find a veep who would cover his real and perceived weaknesses.on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead said “Even if there were a female candidate that could match what any male candidate could do, it would be too high an ‘unknown’ for Hillary to risk. She doesn’t seem like one to take risks, not with something so important.on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead said “See this for a superset/ related prediction 2016-06-17
  • Zebranky estimated 70% and said “HRC and her campaign are truly conservative in terms of their attitude toward risk. Warren seems a high-risk, high-reward running mate. Against Trump, the situation is so polarized that the risk diminishes, but so does the reward.on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead said “Fiddle sticks. I appeared to have reversed my prediction probabilities. The negative (not) tripped me up.on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead estimated 99% on 2016-06-17
  • two2thehead said “Thank you to Zebranky for catching the error.on 2016-06-17
  • themusicgod1 estimated 59% on 2016-06-17
  • elephantower estimated 90% on 2016-07-20
  • two2thehead said “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has selected Tim Kaine, a moderate senator from Virginia, as her running mate. 2016-07-23
  • two2thehead   judged this prediction right on 2016-07-23.