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The biggest federated social network will have at least 10 times more users than the biggest federated social network on 2019-01-01.

Created by pranomostro on 2019-01-08; known on 2030-01-02

  • pranomostro estimated 45% on 2019-01-08
  • pranomostro said “Inspiration: 2019-01-08
  • pranomostro changed the deadline from “on 2030-01-01” and changed their prediction from “Before 2030, the biggest federated social network will have at least 10 times more users than the biggest federated social network on 2019-01-01.” on 2019-01-08
  • pranomostro changed the deadline from “on 2030-01-01” and changed their prediction from “Te biggest federated social network will have at least 10 times more users than the biggest federated social network on 2019-01-01.” on 2019-01-08
  • pranomostro estimated 35% on 2019-09-05