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The longest time spent in labour by a person as according to that post, given Brienne's guess was off by a factor of ten and assuming the question is as I interpret it, was (is if ongoing) 50 years or less.

Created by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2015-02-26; known on 2015-02-27; judged right by rebellionkid on 2015-03-05.

  • KnaveOfAllTrades estimated 95% on 2015-02-26
  • KnaveOfAllTrades changed the deadline from “on 2015-02-26” and changed their prediction from “The longest time spent in labour by a person as according to that post, given Brienne's guess was off by a factor of ten and assuming the question is as I interpret it, was 50 years or less.” on 2015-02-26
  • rebellionkid   judged this prediction right on 2015-03-05.