Obergefell v. Hodges overturned by the Supreme Court, in such a way that same-sex marriages can be legally performed in every U.S. state.
Created by orthonormal on 2015-04-28; known on 2015-08-01; judged right by orthonormal on 2015-06-27.
- orthonormal estimated 65% on 2015-04-28
- JoshuaZ estimated 55% on 2015-04-28
- orthonormal said “Marshall+ and FantasySCOTUS are bullish on a reversal: see http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/same-sex-marriage-gets-its-big-day-at-the-supreme-court/” on 2015-04-28
- JoshuaZ said “In general, FantasySCOTUS seems to treat the justices as slightly more likely to take leftwards positions than they will. ” on 2015-04-29
- David estimated 60% on 2015-06-23
- orthonormal judged this prediction right on 2015-06-27.