>50% of all electrical power worldwide will be a result of nuclear energy by 2035
Created by jesselevine on 2015-05-04; known on 2035-01-01
- jesselevine estimated 40% on 2015-05-04
- JoshuaZ said “Interesting counter prediction. Question: is this just supposed to be fission or to include fusion as well? ” on 2015-05-04
- jesselevine said “Both, assuming if we develop fusion within the time period” on 2015-05-05
- JoshuaZ estimated 25% and said “Huh. This a really tough one to estimate. ” on 2015-05-05
- Raahul_Kumar estimated 70% and said “I think the odds are excellent. JoshuaZ is nuts to think fusion power will be any part of it!Just the current asian nuclear build alone is enough to guarantee it. It does suggest that climate change will be a solved problem if it happens.” on 2015-05-17
- JoshuaZ said “I don’t assign a high probability to fusion being at all relevant to this, but predictions need to be unambiguous. ” on 2015-05-17
- splorridge estimated 15% on 2015-06-13