By 2025, “solar energy will cost half or less of what fossil-fuel-based alternatives do” – Vivek Wadhwa
Created by btrettel on 2015-08-15; known in 10 days
- btrettel estimated 25% on 2015-08-15
- JoshuaZ estimated 35% on 2015-08-15
- JoshuaZ said “See for 2042. ” on 2015-08-15
- EloiseRosen estimated 20% on 2015-08-15
- btrettel said “Correction for JoshuaZ: See for 2042.” on 2015-08-16
- Raahul_Kumar estimated 20% and said “50% by 2025. Sorry Vivek, unlikely. I do expect it to be lower cost, but 10-15% only.” on 2015-09-25