Greece will have a Guaranteed Minimum Income or other type of basic income before end of 06/2017 for more than 90% of its working age population.
Created by kuudes on 2015-08-16; known on 2017-07-01; judged wrong by kuudes on 2017-07-02.
- kuudes estimated 60% on 2015-08-16
- kuudes changed the deadline from “on 2017-07-01” and changed their prediction from “Greece will have a Guaranteed Minimum Income or other type of basic income before end of 06/2017 for more than 90% of its population.” on 2015-08-16
- kuudes said “ mentions such a measure as a key deliverable item, p 14 2.5.3.iv” on 2015-08-16
- JoshuaZ estimated 45% on 2015-08-16
- Afforess estimated 15% on 2015-08-17
- kuudes said “ got signed by Greece, Greece National Bank and EU (EVM) in” on 2015-08-20
- Medea estimated 20% on 2015-10-09
- Afforess estimated 1% on 2015-11-12
- kuudes judged this prediction wrong on 2017-07-02.
- kuudes said “Checked ESM and KPMG papers. There is indeed a relevant Law 4387/2016 that came into force 2017-01-01, but lacking a good translation, it is hard to check if there is a age limit to the national pension.” on 2017-07-02
- kuudes said “It seems likely that this is false as it appears the 4387 has likely implied minimum age of 30 and it would need to be lower than 25 to get >90% of working age population” on 2017-07-02