Chief of the World Coal Association (WCA) Benjamin Sporton “Demand for coal in 2040 globally will be 33 % bigger than it is now. "
Created by Raahul_Kumar on 2015-10-03; known on 2030-12-25
- Raahul_Kumar estimated 0% on 2015-10-03
- Raahul_Kumar on 2015-10-03
- Raahul_Kumar said “I’ve put in 2030 because I expect coal demand to be slashed in half by that date. It will be obvious that his prediction won’t happen.” on 2015-10-03
- JoshuaZ estimated 35% on 2015-10-03
- Josh Holland estimated 25% on 2015-10-05
- Medea estimated 40% on 2015-10-08
- Raahul_Kumar said “The IEA now forecasts a drop in coal-demand growth of more than 500 million tonnes of ‘coal equivalent’ (Mtce).” on 2016-01-03
- Raahul_Kumar said “ Global Coal Consumption Heads for Biggest Decline in History” on 2016-01-03