PredictionBook is now read-only (

Acting will be correlated with my spouse's perception of a positive relationship.

Created by memoriesofbutter on 2015-10-16; known on 2016-07-16

  • memoriesofbutter estimated 63% on 2015-10-16
  • EloiseRosen said “It seems like it would be very hard to establish causality here. How would you know it’s the acting and not anything else?on 2015-10-17
  • memoriesofbutter said “You’re right. on 2015-10-17
  • memoriesofbutter changed the deadline from “on 2016-07-16” and changed their prediction from “Increased acting will improve my spouse's perception of a positive relationship.” on 2015-10-17
  • EloiseRosen estimated 60% on 2015-10-19