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The upcoming Magic: The Gathering set, Dragon's Maze, will contain at least one legendary creature with precisely four colors.

Created by Peter Hurford on 2013-04-08; known on 2013-04-27; judged wrong by Peter Hurford on 2013-04-22.

  • Peter Hurford estimated 5% on 2013-04-08
  • ygert estimated 7% on 2013-04-09
  • JoshuaZ said “Does anyone have priors on how common this is? I know there have been some legendary cards with four colors, but I don’t know how common they are in a set. on 2013-04-09
  • JoshuaZ said “Oh, wait. According to as of 2011, there have been some five color but no four color ones. on 2013-04-09
  • JoshuaZ estimated 11% on 2013-04-09
  • ygert said “There have been five four colored cards total in the history of magic. None legendary. However, there has been a large clamor for them, and if they print them anywhere at all, it would be in Dragon’s Maze.on 2013-04-10
  • ygert estimated 50% and said “My previous low estimate was heavily based on the fact that there are not really any free slots to print them at rare, but I just realized last night that there still is room at mythic rare.on 2013-04-10
  • Peter Hurford   judged this prediction wrong on 2013-04-22.