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RSA with < v = 1024 bit key sizes to decipherable by government agencies with a couple of weeks or less effort by 2070.

Created by a0c4a123f7 on 2013-04-18; known on 2070-01-01

  • a0c4a123f7 estimated 55% on 2013-04-18
  • JoshuaZ said “How will you know? on 2013-04-18
  • Jayson Virissimo said “I don’t see how you will know by that date. You should change the date to allow for declassification or else choose something that will be verifiable.on 2013-04-19
  • a0c4a123f7 changed the deadline from “on 2020-01-01on 2013-04-19
  • a0c4a123f7 changed their prediction from “RSA with < v = 1024 bit key sizes to decipherable by government agencies with a couple of weeks or less effort by 2020.” on 2013-04-19
  • themusicgod1 estimated 54% and said “JoshuaZ if non-governments can do it within a couple of weeks, governments will be able to do it in less.on 2016-10-10