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Amazon will launch a consumer-facing courier service that competes with the likes of UPS and FedEx by 2025.

Created by unexpectedEOF on 2015-12-21; known in 10 days

  • unexpectedEOF estimated 70% on 2015-12-21
  • unexpectedEOF said “Note that this definition means people with non-merchant accounts on Amazon can have items shipped to other non-merchant people, at least regionally if not cross-country.on 2016-01-22
  • JoshuaZ estimated 45% on 2016-01-22
  • EloiseRosen estimated 30% on 2016-01-22
  • themusicgod1 estimated 59% on 2016-04-14
  • unexpectedEOF said “A lot of stuff in the news lately about Amazon’s logistics, especially their Flex and related programs. Official site: 2019-08-05