I will write 3,000+ lines of Rust in 2016
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2016-01-04; known on 2017-01-01; judged wrong by PseudonymousUser on 2016-12-31.
- PseudonymousUser estimated 75% on 2016-01-04
- EloiseRosen estimated 60% on 2016-01-04
- PseudonymousUser estimated 45% and said “You like Rust! Yay! But 3000+ lines is serious business.” on 2016-01-10
- Raahul_Kumar said “Unless you work for Mozilla on Servo, is that likely? What would those 3 000 lines be? Just give Haskell a go.” on 2016-01-13
- PseudonymousUser said “For comparison I wrote > 7,000 lines of server-side JavaScript in 2015” on 2016-01-20
- Raahul_Kumar estimated 29% and said “Provide a Github repo so we can keep you honest. If you do pull it off, amazing.” on 2016-02-21
- Raahul_Kumar said “Reimplementing a NodeJS Service in Haskell. Using Rust is foolhardy, it’ll break horribly. But everyone who has used Haskell to rewrite JS has been happy with their real life experience.https://gist.github.com/paf31/9c4d402d400d61a49656” on 2016-02-21
- PseudonymousUser said “Writing 3,000 lines of code in one year is not “amazing” but merely moderately productive” on 2016-02-21
- PseudonymousUser said “Why will Rust break “horribly”?” on 2016-02-21
- JoshuaZ estimated 65% and said “Also, depends a lot on what the code does on how productive it is for whether it is “amazing” or not. ” on 2016-02-21
- Raahul_Kumar said “Has anyone, in the entire world, even written 3000 lines of rust?There aren’t many large programs yet.https://doc.rust-lang.org/complement-lang-faq.html#are-there-any-big-programs-written-in-it-yet-i-want-to-read-big-samples” on 2016-02-23
- Raahul_Kumar said “Josh, you are clearly not a programmer. Rust has no libraries. Anything that would be trivial in any other language is impossible in Rust. The dev must write his own library from scratch. It’s like starting from scratch with nothing.” on 2016-02-23
- PseudonymousUser said “oh my god” on 2016-02-23
- PseudonymousUser said “https://crates.io/ “Rust has no libraries”” on 2016-02-23
- Raahul_Kumar said “Hackage has 8,656 libraries.I am 2x as likely to find the library I need to solve any programming task. You need to write much more code than you estimate, since Rust lacks libraries.https://libraries.io/hackage” on 2016-02-24
- PseudonymousUser said “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts#Logical_fallacy” on 2016-02-24
- PseudonymousUser estimated 8% and said “I had about ~1865 lines before I came to my senses and stopped using Rust for high-level application development” on 2016-10-07
- PseudonymousUser judged this prediction wrong on 2016-12-31.