Star Wars: The Force Awakens will gross above 2.8 Billion USD globally
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2016-01-04; known on 2016-06-01; judged wrong by Raahul_Kumar on 2016-07-06.
- PseudonymousUser estimated 60% on 2016-01-04
- PseudonymousUser said “Context:” on 2016-01-04
- tstelzig estimated 80% on 2016-01-06
- lalaithion estimated 60% on 2016-01-14
- unexpectedEOF estimated 35% and said “Might be close, but its gone down to $1m per day with just under 120 days to go:” on 2016-02-04
- Raahul_Kumar said “Gross 5 million per week plus 43 weeks left i year= 215 million. $2,042,522,884 + 243 = 2.243 billion USD.” on 2016-02-28
- Raahul_Kumar estimated 5% and said “Unlikely in the extreme.” on 2016-02-28
- Raahul_Kumar said “2,059 billion today, 741 million short.” on 2016-03-22
- Raahul_Kumar said “2.065 billion today.36 days left.” on 2016-04-26
- Raahul_Kumar said “$2.066 billion, only 26 days left.” on 2016-05-06
- Peteris estimated 1% on 2016-05-06
- Raahul_Kumar said “Box office Mojo says $2,068,178,225. Short by 732 million. ” on 2016-07-06
- Raahul_Kumar judged this prediction wrong on 2016-07-06.