Kanye West will be U.S. President-elect before 2025
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2016-02-14; known in 5 days
- PseudonymousUser estimated 0% on 2016-02-14
- PseudonymousUser estimated 0% and said “Hurry up with ma damn croissants!” on 2016-02-14
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2016-02-14
- EloiseRosen estimated 0% and said “related: http://predictionbook.com/predictions/146118” on 2016-02-15
- splorridge estimated 0% on 2016-02-15
- themusicgod1 estimated 0% on 2016-02-16
- btrettel estimated 0% on 2016-08-28
- KnaveOfAllTrades estimated 1% on 2017-03-19
- NickN estimated 0% on 2020-08-19
- n99 estimated 0% on 2022-10-28
- JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2022-10-29