R+L=J revealed in episode 10
Created by Michael Dickens on 2016-06-20; known on 2016-06-27; judged right by two2thehead on 2016-06-30.
- Michael Dickens estimated 15% on 2016-06-20
- two2thehead estimated 99% and said “Nyzbfg pregnvayl. V’z jvyyvat gb org gung gur raqvat ovg pbhyq or gur erirny. Xvaqn yvxr ubj Wbua jnf “iragvyngrq” ng gur raq bs Frnfba 5.” on 2016-06-22
- two2thehead said “Nygubhtu V nz fgnegvat gb qbhog zl cerqvpgvba bs PYRTNAROBJY. Fb gnxr zl pbzzragf jvgu n tenva bs fnyg.http://predictionbook.com/predictions/178084” on 2016-06-22
- Michael Dickens said “Ambiguous as to whether it counts as a reveal since they heavily implied it but didn’t explicitly say it.” on 2016-06-27
- two2thehead said “Yeah I was hesitant to judge for this reason. :-) Maybe a day or two of thought will help in deciding.” on 2016-06-27
- two2thehead judged this prediction right on 2016-06-30.
- two2thehead said “Stealing this from BiasedCalibration. http://www.makinggameofthrones.com/production-diary/got-connections-ned-promise-tower-of-joy-infographicJudging as correct.” on 2016-06-30