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In case Congress ever gets to actually charging President Trump with something sufficiently egregious to warrant Impeachment, a new war begins involving the US

Created by themusicgod1 on 2016-07-31; known on 2021-01-01; judged wrong by PlacidPlatypus on 2020-10-21.

  • themusicgod1 estimated 42% on 2016-07-31
  • PlacidPlatypus said “Can you say what combinations of Trump not elected, Trump elected but not impeached, Trump elected and impeachment vote fails in congress, Trump impeached but not convicted, etc will result in this prediction being withdrawn or marked wrong or what?on 2016-08-09
  • elephantower said “secondedon 2016-08-10
  • themusicgod1 said “elected, impeachment process ongoing, then war in that order. no vote / conviction required.on 2017-01-30
  • PlacidPlatypus said “So if no impeachment process is ever seriously started, is this false or withdrawn?on 2017-01-30
  • themusicgod1 said “falseon 2017-07-31
  • PlacidPlatypus estimated 10% and said “I think the odds of any serious impeachment attempt are like 25% at most.on 2017-07-31
  • Baeboo estimated 8% on 2017-08-16
  • Baeboo estimated 28% on 2017-08-16
  • Baeboo estimated 25% on 2017-09-17
  • Baeboo estimated 12% on 2017-09-29
  • Baeboo estimated 8% on 2018-02-07
  • Baeboo estimated 4% on 2019-04-10
  • NickN estimated 0% on 2020-08-22
  • PlacidPlatypus said “Trump was impeached but no war started.on 2020-10-21
  • PlacidPlatypus   judged this prediction wrong on 2020-10-21.