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Amazon Web Services will introduce an m4 (or later generation “m” type instance) with more RAM and cores than its current biggest m4 machine, m4.16xlarge, before January 1, 2018.

Created by Vipul Naik on 2016-11-13; known on 2018-01-02; judged right by Vipul Naik on 2017-12-02.

  • Vipul Naik estimated 50% on 2016-11-13
  • Vipul Naik changed the deadline from “on 2018-06-30” and changed their prediction from “Amazon Web Services will introduce an m4 (or later generation “m” type instance) with more RAM and cores than its current biggest machine, m4.16xlarge, before January 1, 2018.” on 2016-11-13
  • Vipul Naik changed the deadline from “on 2018-06-30on 2016-11-13
  • themusicgod1 estimated 50% on 2016-11-13
  • Vipul Naik   judged this prediction right on 2017-12-02.
  • Vipul Naik said “m5.24xlarge now existson 2017-12-02