Steve Bannon leaves the Trump Administration in 2017.
Created by ioannes on 2017-02-14; known on 2018-01-01; judged right by PseudonymousUser on 2017-10-30.
- ioannes estimated 5% on 2017-02-14
- themusicgod1 estimated 49% on 2017-02-15
- elephantower estimated 30% on 2017-02-16
- playablecharacter estimated 15% on 2017-02-17
- iconreforged estimated 10% on 2017-02-18
- ioannes estimated 30% and said “” on 2017-04-13
- custom estimated 75% on 2017-04-13
- PseudonymousUser estimated 40% and said “He threatened to leave, and is in serious trouble, but a major donor advised him to remain. Neither Spicer nor Conway have been forced out yet. Predict his publicity will dim but he’ll still show up to work. Probably.” on 2017-04-13
- PseudonymousUser judged this prediction right on 2017-10-30.