Until 2017-04-02 Sun: I do not set any music playing for just myself, other than as linked to or mentioned by other people; or for Deliberately Practising recitation or vocals; or incidental (e.g. YouTube video intros of videos I opened).
Created by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2017-03-23; known on 2017-04-03; judged right by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2017-04-04.
- KnaveOfAllTrades estimated 50% on 2017-03-23
- KnaveOfAllTrades said “At present I do this every day, and this will pretty much be going cold turkey on listening to music.” on 2017-03-23
- themusicgod1 estimated 49% on 2017-03-31
- KnaveOfAllTrades judged this prediction right on 2017-04-04.