Mississippi State Rep Karl Oliver apologizes in some way for his lynching comment
Created by two2thehead on 2017-05-22; known on 2017-11-22; judged right by two2thehead on 2017-05-23.
- two2thehead estimated 80% on 2017-05-22
- two2thehead said “See the following for more information : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/karl-oliver-confederate-lynch_us_59224866e4b094cdba54eece” on 2017-05-22
- two2thehead said ““Karl Oliver later removed the Facebook post and apologized for his remarks.”” on 2017-05-23
- two2thehead said “Source: Same link as above” on 2017-05-23
- two2thehead judged this prediction right on 2017-05-23.