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One of the three things will lead to Udyr being Flavor of the Month: Ghost usage in the jungle, AS item buffs such as Wit's End and the gold efficiency of tank items. (Sytha) Conditioning on these things all still holding true before the deadline is up

Created by meisnewbie on 2013-05-20; known on 2013-08-20; judged wrong by meisnewbie on 2013-08-24.

  • meisnewbie estimated 75% on 2013-05-20
  • Dapple estimated 15% and said “While I see all those individual factors being true, I think the lack of strong gap closing will leave him less popular than the junglers with stronger gap closing abilities. Udyr top might see a resurgence, though.on 2013-05-21
  • meisnewbie   judged this prediction wrong on 2013-08-24.