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The scratch marks on my chest will fade after a week.

Created by Somni on 2017-07-15; known on 2017-07-22; judged right by Somni on 2017-08-02.

  • Somni estimated 80% on 2017-07-15
  • themusicgod1 estimated 51% on 2017-07-15
  • erin estimated 92% and said “Assuming the scratches broke the skin, and taking into account Somni’s confidence and priors over her body physiologyon 2017-07-15
  • two2thehead estimated 65% on 2017-07-16
  • ioannes said “How will this be assessed? Correct if the marks have faded somewhat, or correct only if the marks have disappeared?on 2017-07-16
  • Somni   judged this prediction right on 2017-08-02.