Software Engineer will become a protected term in California before 2028.
Created by jacobgreenleaf on 2017-11-13; known on 2028-01-01
- jacobgreenleaf estimated 70% on 2017-11-13
- futurulus estimated 10% on 2017-11-15
- futurulus estimated 40% and said “drat, should have noticed my confusion more there. ‘protected term’ ≠ ‘protected class’” on 2017-11-15
- Michael Dickens estimated 15% and said “Sadly my ~30 seconds of Googling could not find a legal definition.” on 2017-11-16
- Tenobrus estimated 20% on 2017-11-16
- Athrithalix estimated 10% on 2017-11-17
- jacobgreenleaf said “@Michael – protected term meaning some regulation under the BPC such as BPC 2054 regulating the term “doctor”, this prediction is predicting similar legislation for term “software engineer”” on 2021-08-26
- n99 estimated 5% on 2022-10-28