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Hardkernel releases a new Odroid SBC before June 30th 2018. (they've been postponing the release of a roadmap since June 2017:

Created by ekr on 2017-11-22; known on 2018-06-30; judged right by ekr on 2018-03-23.

  • ekr estimated 60% on 2017-11-22
  • ekr said “A release this year looks very unlikely indeed. But with better SoCs hitting the market, surely their business would dry up unless they release something better.on 2017-11-22
  • ekr changed the deadline from “on 2018-06-30” and changed their prediction from “Hardkernel releases a new Odroid SBC until June 30th 2018. (they've been postponing the release of a roadmap since June 2017:” on 2017-11-22
  • ekr   judged this prediction right on 2018-03-23.