By January 1, 2031, known that there is no odd perfect number less than 10^2500
Created by JoshuaZ on 2018-06-11; known on 2031-01-01
- JoshuaZ estimated 65% on 2018-06-11
- JoshuaZ said “Logic behind prediction: Known bounds as follows: 1957: 10^20, 1967: 10^36, 1973: 10^50, 1989: 10^160 1993: 10^300, 2012: 10^1500. Exponent appears to be growing exponentially with time. ” on 2018-06-11
- JoshuaZ said “If extrapolate from ln (log bound) against time, get curve with r^2= .98 (but only six data points). Predicts 10^2800 in 2022. But papers come out irregularly (see big gap between 1993 and 2012) so more uncertain. ” on 2018-06-11
- Jotto999 estimated 60% and said “Interesting.” on 2018-06-13
- JoshuaZ estimated 59% and said “More uncertain that this is a useful way of extrapolating growth. ” on 2020-06-12