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[Gaydar] KJ Apa (Keneti James Fitzgerald “KJ” Apa) comes out as queer

Created by two2thehead on 2018-10-31; known on 2068-11-01

  • two2thehead estimated 86% on 2018-10-31
  • two2thehead said “Queer is defined as non-straight or non-gender conformingon 2018-10-31
  • two2thehead said “If he comes out as gay or bisexual, this is marked as correct. If he comes out as trans, this is marked as correct.on 2018-10-31
  • pranomostro estimated 60% on 2018-11-02
  • Jennifer estimated 99% and said “Mere denials presumably DO NOT give False. “Very credibly outed against will” counts as “True”? Death before 2068 without coming out seems the only way to get a “near term” False? Life expectancy for male New Zealander is 2076… I’m an optimist!on 2018-12-03
  • two2thehead said “Excellent points, Jennifer. Let me think about it before clarifying. I’m leaning towards ‘taking as correct’ what you’ve mentioned on 2018-12-03
  • two2thehead said “After giving this some thought I’ve decided to take what Jennifer has said as ‘known on’ conditions. on 2018-12-21
  • two2thehead said “But ideally I’d be the one marking this prediction correct or not. If the known on date passes PLUS some reasonable time, and I haven’t marked it either way, someone else can select for me.on 2018-12-21