[Macri to be re-elected president of Argentina, given USDARS] between 35 and 40
Created by Cato on 2019-03-05; known on 2019-10-28
- Cato estimated 55% on 2019-03-05
- Cato said “Definition: average exchange rate for the 30 trading days preceding election day for which data are available” on 2019-03-05
- pranomostro estimated 50% on 2019-03-07
- Cato said “Currency data: https://www.investing.com/currencies/usd-ars-historical-data” on 2019-04-10
- Cato estimated 40% on 2019-05-29
- Cato estimated 30% on 2019-08-13
- Cato said “USDARS for last 30 days is about 57” on 2019-10-28
- Cato withdrew the prediction on 2019-10-28