[Personal] I will get a cat (more likely a pair of buddies) before 2025.
Created by sungk2048 on 2020-01-18; known 3 days ago
- sungk2048 estimated 75% on 2020-01-18
- sungk2048 changed the deadline from “4 days ago” and changed their prediction from “I will get a cat (more likely a pair of buddies) before 2025.” on 2020-01-18
- sungk2048 said “Recently I’ve been seriously considering getting a pair of cats. The main uncertainty comes from how much I’ll have to re-locate and travel, and whether I’ll have the space to create a comfortable, cat-friendly environment. ” on 2020-01-18
- PseudonymousUser estimated 63% on 2020-02-15
- PseudonymousUser estimated 75% on 2020-03-14