OoTS: MitD is the Snarl.
Created by ygert on 2013-06-30; known on 2022-01-01
- ygert estimated 50% on 2013-06-30
- ygert on 2013-06-30
- Tegid estimated 30% on 2013-07-03
- JoshuaZ said “Deadline needs to be extended. ” on 2016-01-10
- JoshuaZ estimated 5% on 2016-01-10
- Sniffnoy estimated 2% on 2016-02-29
- JoshuaZ estimated 6% and said “Need to extend deadline again. ” on 2016-07-01
- two2thehead said “Ooh. Interesting theory. ” on 2016-07-01
- ygert changed the deadline from “on 2016-01-01” on 2016-10-26
- ygert estimated 5% on 2016-10-26
- JoshuaZ estimated 6% on 2016-10-27
- JoshuaZ said “ygert, do you mean explaining what caused you to so drastically change your estimate?” on 2016-10-27
- two2thehead said “Seems tough to judge. Still no information on what it is.” on 2017-01-03
- ygert changed the deadline from “on 2017-01-02” on 2017-07-20
- ygert said “Still unknown, deadline extended.” on 2017-07-20
- ygert said “@JoshuaZ: Originally I considered this the only viable option for MitD’s identity, thus my very high estimate. Since then I’ve changed my mind about the viability of other options.” on 2017-07-20
- themusicgod1 estimated 49% on 2017-07-20
- JoshuaZ said “Deadline needs extending again. ” on 2020-01-02
- ygert changed the deadline from “on 2019-01-02” on 2020-05-15
- JoshuaZ estimated 3% on 2020-06-12
- Leo estimated 10% and said “Well, it probably won’t be revealed this year. It’s interesting, but it seems to imply that the try-everything squad never thought of politely asking the Snarl not to destroy everything, which would be a disappointment.” on 2021-12-03
- Leo estimated 6% and said “Deadline needs extending again. Make it 10 years?” on 2023-08-03