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India will have higher total (cumulative) confirmed COVID-19 cases than the US at some point before December 31 2021.

Created by galaga on 2020-08-03; known on 2022-01-02; judged wrong by galaga on 2021-01-05.

  • galaga estimated 70% on 2020-08-03
  • galaga changed the deadline from “on 2022-01-01” and changed their prediction from “India will overtake the US in total confirmed COVID-19 cases by December 31 2021” on 2020-08-03
  • galaga changed the deadline from “on 2022-01-01” and changed their prediction from “India will overtake the US in total confirmed COVID-19 cases by December 31 2021.” on 2020-08-03
  • galaga   judged this prediction wrong on 2021-01-05.