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Derek Chauvin will not be found guilty of murder / murder charges will be dropped (w.r.t George Floyd case).

Created by galaga on 2020-08-03; known on 2021-10-03; judged wrong by galaga on 2021-04-21.

  • galaga estimated 65% on 2020-08-03
  • galaga on 2020-08-03
  • galaga changed the deadline from “on 2021-03-01” and made the prediction on 2020-08-03
  • galaga estimated 75% on 2020-08-04
  • galaga changed the deadline from “on 2021-03-02” and changed their prediction from “Derek Chauvin will be acquitted of murder charges / murder charges will be dropped (w.r.t George Floyd case).” on 2020-08-05
  • galaga changed the deadline from “on 2021-03-02on 2021-03-03
  • galaga   judged this prediction wrong on 2021-04-21.