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Whoever loses the American Presisential 2020 election will accept the results and there will not be any constitutional crisis or attempt to overturn the vote.

Created by Reactionaryhistorian on 2020-09-21; known on 2021-01-21; judged wrong by Reactionaryhistorian on 2020-11-09.

  • Reactionaryhistorian estimated 98% on 2020-09-21
  • Reactionaryhistorian changed the deadline from “on 2021-01-21” and changed their prediction from “Whoever loses the American Presisential 2020 election will accept the results and their will not be any constitutional crisis or attempt to overturn the vote.” on 2020-09-22
  • batemancapital estimated 90% on 2020-09-22
  • JoshuaZ said “This seems hard to define. Would one say that this happened in 2000 for example? on 2020-09-22
  • PlacidPlatypus said “Agreed it needs a lot more specifics. Does a court case count? What if the losing candidate makes a lot of public statements claiming the election was stolen but doesn’t take any concrete action to follow them up?on 2020-09-22
  • MycroftHolmes1 estimated 95% and said “Doubt there will be a civil war, since COVID and BLM has shifted focus from adversarial politics to merely surviving this pandemic!on 2020-09-23
  • Bruno Parga said “Trump has explicitly cast doubt on that. Does this make this prediction wrong?on 2020-09-24
  • Reactionaryhistorian   judged this prediction wrong on 2020-11-09.
  • Reactionaryhistorian said “I am judging this prediction wrong. In retrospect it is very badly written up and overly vague as several have commented. (Esoecially on what exactly defines a constitutional crisis).on 2020-11-09