Fabrice Tourre will lose his insider trading trial
Created by RandomThinker on 2013-07-31; known on 2013-08-15; judged right by RandomThinker on 2013-08-01.
- RandomThinker estimated 55% on 2013-07-31
- RandomThinker said “I don’t think calling no witnesses is a good strategy. He’s left on an island. http://dealbreaker.com/tag/fabrice-tourre/ ” on 2013-07-31
- RandomThinker said “Marking this as right. He’s liable on 6 of 7 counts.http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2013/08/01/former-goldman-trader-is-found-liable-in-mortgage-deal/?hp” on 2013-08-01
- RandomThinker judged this prediction right on 2013-08-01.
- RandomThinker changed the deadline from “on 2013-08-15” and changed their prediction from “Fabrice Tourre will lose his in trial” on 2015-01-11