A high-level US executive branch official states that the cylindrical flying object shot down in Alaska on Friday came from China
Created by PseudonymousUser on 2023-02-11; known on 2024-01-01
- PseudonymousUser estimated 66% on 2023-02-11
- JoshuaZ estimated 72% on 2023-02-11
- PseudonymousUser estimated 30% on 2023-02-12
- PseudonymousUser estimated 60% and said “Chuck Schumer suggests they were from China” on 2023-02-13
- PseudonymousUser said “https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64687038.amp” on 2023-02-18
- PseudonymousUser withdrew the prediction on 2023-02-18