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I will aquire a copy of 'Children of the Dust' and watch the TV series in an attempt to develop an understanding of post-apocalyptic survival following nuclear war.

Created by DavidPercival on 2011-03-07; known on 2011-03-14; judged wrong by DavidPercival on 2011-03-14.

  • DavidPercival estimated 90% on 2011-03-07
  • DavidPercival changed their prediction from “I will aquire a copy of 'Children of the Dust' and watch the TV series in an attempt develop an understanding of post-apocalyptic survival following nuclear war.” on 2011-03-07
  • Ben Doherty estimated 55% and said “I think it will be hard to find, and then find the time to watch a whole TV series in under a week.on 2011-03-07
  • DavidPercival estimated 20% and said “Icollect the book today, but have not yet been able to locate the TV series.on 2011-03-08
  • DavidPercival   judged this prediction wrong on 2011-03-14.