PredictionBook is now read-only (

I will have finished the math prerequisites for third year physics by mid 2015. Specifically have studied and done the exercises from the differential equations, PDEs, fourier transforms and laplace transforms.

Created by waveman on 2014-01-01; known on 2015-07-01; judged wrong by waveman on 2015-07-02.

  • waveman estimated 45% on 2014-01-01
  • waveman changed the deadline from “on 2014-06-30” and changed their prediction from “I will have finished the math prerequisites for third year physics by mid 2014. Specifically have studied and done the exercises from the differential equations, PDEs, fourier transforms and laplace transforms.” on 2014-04-01
  • waveman estimated 45% and said “Updated for new dateon 2014-04-01
  • waveman changed the deadline from “on 2015-06-30on 2015-01-02
  • waveman estimated 2% and said “Very unlikely as prior tasks are running behind schedule specifically statistical physics.on 2015-01-02
  • waveman   judged this prediction wrong on 2015-07-02.