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I will be able to do 10 sprints to the top of the hill near my house in 15 minutes including returns but not counting the last return. By end October.

Created by waveman on 2014-01-01; known on 2014-10-31; judged wrong by waveman on 2014-04-29.

  • waveman estimated 45% on 2014-01-01
  • waveman changed the deadline from “on 2014-10-31” and changed their prediction from “I will be able to do 12 sprints to the top of the hill near my house in 20 minutes including returns but not counting the last return. By end October.” on 2014-02-06
  • waveman said “20 minutes is too much sprints so I changed the time to 15 minutes and the number of laps accordingly. Currently doing 7.1 in 15 minutes (2014-01-07)on 2014-02-06
  • waveman estimated 45% and said “Currently doing 10 runs up the hill of which 4 are outright sprints. Time is quite challenging though. Working on converting all 10 runs to sprints and jogging down the hill instead of walking.on 2014-04-01
  • waveman estimated 0% and said “I have abandoned this objective. on 2014-04-29
  • waveman   judged this prediction wrong on 2014-04-29.