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some portion of England and the United States will be unified as one country or similar state within 10 years

Created by Ham Nox on 2014-07-21; known 6 days ago

  • Ham Nox estimated 1% on 2014-07-21
  • qznc estimated 1% on 2014-07-21
  • rebellionkid estimated 0% on 2014-07-21
  • clemux estimated 0% on 2014-07-22
  • JoshuaZ estimated 0% on 2014-07-23
  • Neznans said “What exactly do you mean by that statement? That portions from each country would come to form together a third country? Or that one portion of one of these countries would become a part of the other’s? Or..?on 2014-07-24
  • Jayson Virissimo estimated 1% on 2014-07-31
  • tylercurtis estimated 0% on 2014-08-01
  • tedks estimated 5% and said “within 10 years, could the EU, UN, or NATO form a superstate more like sovereign states of today than the organizations they now are? That sounds plausible. 10 years is pretty short but I think 0% is too low. on 2014-08-02
  • Ham Nox estimated 2% on 2014-08-11
  • from3004 estimated 10% on 2014-10-16
  • themusicgod1 estimated 17% on 2016-04-15
  • themusicgod1 estimated 12% on 2016-04-16
  • NickN estimated 0% on 2020-08-16
  • n99 estimated 0% on 2022-10-28