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My 100% category (and someone else's) dropped, and this was because of a reversed old prediction or site change, rather than a high-confidence prediction of mine being newly judged since Thursday 23rd November 2014

Created by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2014-10-28; known on 2015-01-01; judged right by KnaveOfAllTrades on 2014-11-06.

  • KnaveOfAllTrades estimated 99% on 2014-10-28
  • KnaveOfAllTrades changed the deadline from “on 2015-01-01” and changed their prediction from “My 100% category (and someone else's) seemed to drop because a change to the site between now and Monday 20th October 2014 made strictly more of my predictions fall under the 100% category than last I checked, or because an old prediction's judgement was” on 2014-10-28
  • KnaveOfAllTrades said “Basically, this is marked as right if something weird happened.on 2014-10-28
  • KnaveOfAllTrades said “With my 100% category, that is. Other person’s need not have dropped or anything, since I mentioned that incidentally.on 2014-10-28
  • KnaveOfAllTrades said “It’s gone back up without me doing anything and all the predictions I could see didn’t explain the drop. So marking as Right since that’s weird.on 2014-11-06
  • KnaveOfAllTrades   judged this prediction right on 2014-11-06.
  • JoshuaZ said “I had something similar happen. Not sure what is happening. on 2014-11-07