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I will be able to complete 100 good-form push ups in 6 weeks' time following the program at

Created by roshni on 2011-11-23; known on 2012-01-04; judged wrong by roshni on 2012-03-05.

  • roshni estimated 10% on 2011-11-23
  • Jayson Virissimo said “Is this conditional on you actually following the program or just being able to do 100 push ups at the end of the time period full stop?on 2011-11-23
  • roshni said “It will be judged right if I’m able to do 100 consecutive pushups. But considering I can barely do ten now, that’s not likely to happen unless I follow the program.on 2011-11-23
  • shokwave estimated 20% and said “I take this as “i will be able to do 100 pushups” and the evidence in favour is “i plan to follow this program”. If it was conditional on you following the program, my estimate would be much higheron 2011-11-25
  • Jayson Virissimo estimated 10% on 2011-11-25
  • Anubhav estimated 15% on 2011-11-25
  • Laurent Bossavit estimated 15% on 2011-11-25
  • roshni   judged this prediction wrong on 2012-03-05.