Requesting facebook password for a job will be against the law in at least 1 state or against federal laws/regulations by end of 2013
Created by RandomThinker on 2012-03-28; known on 2013-12-31; judged right by RandomThinker on 2012-05-05.
- RandomThinker estimated 70% on 2012-03-28
- Ben Doherty estimated 60% and said “Is there any sign of this getting tested in the courts at the moment?” on 2012-04-01
- mat33 estimated 55% on 2012-04-01
- RandomThinker said “@BenDoherty AFAIK there are some bills that have been introduced in state legislatures because of the news coverage” on 2012-04-02
- RandomThinker said “I originally intended this to mean getting hired, but as phrased it could also mean getting fired.” on 2012-04-02
- RandomThinker said “It happened! Faster than I thought:” on 2012-05-05
- RandomThinker judged this prediction right on 2012-05-05.