No human will visit the moon from 2012-2020.
Created by lukeprog on 2012-09-04; known on 2021-01-01; judged right by Bruno Parga on 2021-01-01.
- lukeprog estimated 70% on 2012-09-04
- JoshuaZ estimated 65% on 2012-09-04
- Emanuel Rylke estimated 85% on 2012-09-04
- bsm estimated 80% on 2012-09-04
- William-Quixote estimated 50% on 2012-09-08
- Pablo estimated 83% on 2012-09-27
- bknakker estimated 90% on 2012-10-18
- NathanMcKnight estimated 80% on 2012-10-19
- Ken estimated 95% on 2012-11-12
- ygert estimated 70% on 2012-12-16
- D_Malik estimated 45% on 2012-12-17
- Tuxedage estimated 80% on 2013-01-03
- Qiaochu estimated 50% and said “I would’ve estimated lower but then I remembered the possibility of non-governmental parties doing this (e.g. SpaceX). ” on 2013-01-03
- gimpf estimated 65% on 2013-01-03
- RandomThinker estimated 85% on 2013-01-04
- najdorf estimated 33% on 2013-02-06
- PseudonymousUser said “” on 2013-11-16
- PseudonymousUser said “Does orbiting the moon count, or does the human have to walk on the surface?” on 2013-11-16
- themusicgod1 estimated 93% on 2016-04-15
- JoshuaZ estimated 82% on 2016-04-15
- jesselevine said “bobpage’s question +1” on 2016-04-15
- pranomostro estimated 98% on 2018-11-10
- Baeboo estimated 98% on 2018-11-10
- Bruno Parga judged this prediction right on 2021-01-01.