The next president elect will be a member of the democratic party.
Created by jesselevine on 2015-04-09; known on 2016-11-09; judged wrong by themusicgod1 on 2016-11-09.
- jesselevine estimated 90% on 2015-04-09
- JoshuaZ estimated 65% on 2015-04-09
- rebellionkid estimated 40% on 2015-04-12
- jesselevine estimated 80% on 2015-04-26
- orthonormal estimated 60% on 2015-04-29
- JoshuaZ estimated 67% on 2015-08-12
- themusicgod1 estimated 19% on 2016-09-17
- themusicgod1 said “unless Trump is hiding a Democrat party card somewhere…” on 2016-11-09
- themusicgod1 judged this prediction wrong on 2016-11-09.