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By 2017, photo-realistic gaming experiences will be possible on high-end PC hardware.

Created by Aticper on 2012-10-24; known on 2017-12-31

  • Aticper estimated 80% on 2012-10-24
  • RandomThinker said “Pretty close now… how much better than now to be considered photo realistic?on 2012-10-24
  • Aticper said “Let’s say consistently passing a CGI Turing Test for still images. Given a hundred mixed HUD-less screenshots and photographs of similar subject matter, people can’t reliably achieve much better than 50% accuracy at classifying themon 2012-10-24
  • RandomThinker estimated 35% on 2012-10-24
  • JoshuaZ estimated 41% on 2012-10-25
  • themusicgod1 estimated 17% and said “Might be technically feasible, but VR is a more important milestone on that timescaleon 2016-10-10