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she will ask me hangout again and play pool!

Created by nam2001 on 2011-03-15; known on 2011-03-30; judged wrong by nam2001 on 2011-03-31.

  • nam2001 estimated 90% on 2011-03-15
  • alvinTng estimated 20% on 2011-03-15
  • Ye estimated 90% on 2011-03-16
  • Ben Doherty estimated 15% and said “hang out maybe, but hang out AND play pool is much less likelyon 2011-03-20
  • nam2001   judged this prediction wrong on 2011-03-31.
  • nam2001 said “@Ben: Yes, You are right, she had asked for hangout and Cinema , and I hope next time will be Poolon 2011-03-31