Segways will make a comeback before 12/31/2016
Created by RandomThinker on 2013-05-24; known on 2016-12-31; judged wrong by gwern on 2017-01-01.
- RandomThinker estimated 45% on 2013-05-24
- RandomThinker said “Measured by either they file for an IPO or they announce unit sales greater than over 40k a year.” on 2013-05-24
- RandomThinker said “According to wikipedia 40k was their first annual sales target back in 2001, and 40k is in the same order of magnitude as Segways sold since the company started.” on 2013-05-24
- RandomThinker said “They’re also not reporting annual sales right now, just reporting would mean that they’ve made some kind of breakthrough.” on 2013-05-24
- Tuxedage estimated 15% on 2013-05-26
- holycow81 estimated 26% on 2013-05-27
- gwern estimated 40% on 2013-06-02
- procran estimated 30% on 2013-06-02
- Jayson Virissimo estimated 30% on 2013-06-06
- ShIxtan estimated 20% on 2013-06-30
- RandomThinker said “They got sold. Almost as good as an IPO.” on 2015-04-15
- RandomThinker said “Also, the buyer raised $80m” on 2015-04-15
- themusicgod1 estimated 57% on 2016-04-15
- Balazs estimated 0% on 2016-12-29
- themusicgod1 said ““My dream or hope is to go for an IPO by mid-2017” IPO yet by the looks” on 2016-12-31
- themusicgod1 said “looking like this didn’t happen from here, no 40k sales” on 2016-12-31
- gwern judged this prediction wrong on 2017-01-01.