PredictionBook is now read-only (

Marijuana will be unscheduled, taxed and regulated similar to alcohol at a federal level in the United States before 2025.

Created by jacobgreenleaf on 2021-01-01; known in 10 days

  • jacobgreenleaf estimated 80% on 2021-01-01
  • jacobgreenleaf changed the deadline from “in 10 days” and changed their prediction from “Marijuana will be unscheduled, taxed and regulated similar to alcohol at a federal level before 2025.” on 2021-01-01
  • JoshuaZ estimated 34% on 2021-01-01
  • sam_jaques estimated 40% on 2021-01-01
  • Luke estimated 30% on 2021-01-02
  • sole21000 estimated 45% on 2021-01-07
  • PlacidPlatypus estimated 30% on 2021-01-07
  • JohnGreer estimated 59% on 2021-01-07
  • jazzsolo estimated 45% on 2021-01-09
  • Medea estimated 34% on 2021-03-13
  • jacobgreenleaf changed the deadline from “in 10 days” and changed their prediction from “Marijuana will be unscheduled, taxed and regulated similar to alcohol at a federal level in theUnited States before 2025.” on 2021-08-26
  • Reinersaltaccount estimated 25% and said “#politicson 2023-03-13