Zerocoin market cap >$7,000,000 within 5 years (conditional on launch)
Created by gwern on 2013-11-22; known on 2018-11-22
- gwern estimated 4% on 2013-11-22
- gwern estimated 7% and said “Hell, if something worthless like Litecoin can have a market cap of $200m… ” on 2013-11-22
- Tuxedage estimated 5% on 2013-11-23
- ZLM said “Given this much confidence, how many zerocoins are you planning to buy? ” on 2014-02-11
- equivrel estimated 20% and said “At this stage it is definitely rational to buy some” on 2016-02-14
- themusicgod1 estimated 17% on 2016-03-11
- moyamo estimated 1% on 2018-11-15
- gwern withdrew the prediction on 2018-11-23